Country - USA.
release Year - 2017.
score - 44934 Votes.
director - McG.
Creators - Brian Duffield
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It's fun, In my opinion a grate movie to watch when you're bored.
Definitely is not one of the best horror movies I've watched and it cannot be compared to some modern adult classics such as the Hereditary (2018.
But. it has something which must be praised. at least in my case.
The Babysitter achieved to drove me back in time when I was fascinated by movies like Gremlins, Critters etc.
In conclusion: Disconnect the brain and try to revive your youthful experience.
I love how on Ryans phone Tree is called “Crazy White Girl” 😂😂😂. Babysitter killer bee. These traps were so out of the box really cool.
My favorite line is “I AINT EVEN MAD COLE YOUR A STUD”
Killer Queen has already touched the like button. Babysitter killer cast. Best line: SHUT UP, FAKE RYAN. Babysitter kill count. Man, this movie is just bad, not even in the enduring charming way. Hopefully the younger people watching this, 13-16s enjoy it a lot until they turn 20 and find it bad aswell. It is creeping me out at the beginning because there was a shadow. 2019 anyone. Ooohhh she's gonna do a superhero landing. That's really hard on your knees 😂🙂. She jumped in is queen. I like how as max was dying he was congratulating cole for not being a virgin anymore.
I want to watch it but I cant without meh mom noing
Babysitter killer movie. The only thing that made me upset was when he talked trash about king Bach. This is why we need federal police agencies like the FBI, DEA, and ATF. Bring outside people with no roots in the area and you'll have cops who actually do their jobs. Small towns where everybody knows everybody, the police are liable to cover for people they know and accept bribes in various forms. Its exactly whats happening in mexico right now, except their corruption is so bad certain sects of their own military have embedded narcos. 21:47 This guy is honestly my favorite character. He gets beat and isnt butthurt, hes also happy for the guy who literally killed him by losing his virginity. What an absolute Chad.
Best movie ever by the way, not even joking. I was crying then laughing the next second. I've had my favorite movies and I had no intention of ever changing them. I wanted to watch this movie because I love Sam Rockwell as an actor however I have fallen in love with Frances and the others on this emotional rollercoaster of a movie. I have never felt this way about a movie before and I've told everyone to go and watch it. If I could write a 5 page essay about why this movie is so remarkable I would.
This is the only time that tree is allowed to say “worst birthday ever”
Max is by far my favourite character. Like, come on, he's awesome. I also kind of get why James doesn't like the movies and I can also find fault in the first one, however I disagree with hating Kiler wueen because I couldn't find fault in it. Also, the non-chalant humour is the best thing about both movies. But, I'm with James when I say that Bella Thorne really makes the movie annoying with her presence. Her death scenes are cool though.
Babysitter cast.
Big bruh moment cause she did that for 1 billion followers...
I'm amazed how people rate this as a funny movie, not one single laugh at all.
Not a scary movie, not funny either, definitively.
I give it 5/10 for the weird experiment they tryed to do with this movie.
I'm not even mad bro! is the funniest thing to me in this movie.
Damn I just searched victorious and the babysitter 2 popped out lmao I love this movies hoping for a babysitter 3.
Ive watched like all the jigsaw movies.
2 stars. Meh. Superhero landing? How are her ankles not shattered! Seriously. I just watched it and i gotta say this one exceeds my expectations. Babysitter killer.
No one LITERALLY no one, Me: see's spider* Me: moves houses* Sorry I have arachnophobia.